Guizhou University use EasySensor DGT published the article as below: Abstract: Synchronously controlling the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) release from sediments is an important basis for utrophication management in lakes, but it is still a technical challenge at...
South China Sea Fisheries Reserach Institute use EasySensor DGT to determine REEs, and publish an article on Water Research as below: Abstract: Rare earth elements (REEs) are emerging contaminants due to their large scale of exploitation worldwide for using in the...
Hunan Normal University use EasySensor DGT published the article as below: Abstract: Rice plant is efficient in arsenic (As) accumulation due to enhanced soil As release under flooded condition andits effective As uptake. Therefore, rice plant can be used to remove...
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and EasySensor published the article as below: Abstract: A new diffusive gradients in thin films technique (HR-ZCA DGT) was developed for simultaneous twodimensional (2-D) chemical imaging of sulfides, metallic cations and oxyanions...
Shanghai Ocean University use EasySensor DGT publish the article as below: Abstract: Heavy metals (HMs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the contaminants of concern in aquaculture ponds due to their frequent detection and high bioaccumulation in...
Shanghai Ocean University use EasySensor DGT devices and HR-Peeper publish the article as below: Abstract: A zirconium-modified magnetite/bentonite composite (M-ZrFeBT) was synthesized, characterized and combined with water-permeable fabric to construct novel,...
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