Company History

EasySensor® is a patented brand that offers diffusive gradients in thin film (DGT) devices, HR-Peeper and Planar Optode equipment. Our company was set up in 2014 with the aim of improving the ability to monitor soil, water and sediment by developing new and easy to use techniques. All products belonging to EasySensor® are protected by intellectual properties and laws.

Our products include newly-developed diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) and Planar Optode (PO) and high-resolution dialysis samples (HR-Peeper).

These techniques have been published over 100 peer-reviewed papers on SCI since 2010 year. Among them, nearly 30 papers are published on authoritative journals such as Environmental Science & Technology, Analytical Chemistry, Water Research.

The Founder


was funded by the Chinese Science Foundation for outstanding youth


was selected as the top young talent of the Chinese “10,000 People plan”


was selected as the innovation leader by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology


was selected as a highly recognized technology entrepreneur in Nanjing

the founder was again selected as the leading talent of science and technology innovation in the Chinese “10,000 people plan”

The Company


was selected into the leading technology entrepreneurship talent plan of Nanjing.


was listed in the high-tech enterprise cultivation program of Jiangsu Province and the City of Nanjing

was rated one of the best companies in the field of Chinese Science and Technology SME’s

was listed as a Top Chinese High-Tech Enterprise


won the first prize of Science and Technology by the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission

our products were selected into the Chinese Directory of Key Promotion & Guidance of Advanced Practical Technologies in Water Conservation